Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Justin Bieber best quotes and sayings

“There’s gonna be times in your life when people say you can’t do something. And there’s gonna be times in your life when people say that you can’t live your dreams. This is what I tell them: Never say never!”

“I have crushes, but they’re all too old. Like Beyonce -she has a husband, I might get shot. I went up to give Beyonce a hug at the Grammy’s and Jay-Z said, watch out buddy! He was kidding, but you know…”

“I’m telling you, people. Everyday we wake up is another blessing. Follow your dreams and don’t let anyone stop you. Never say never.”

I know my friends, family and fans know the person I am. Hearing adults spread lies and rumors is part of their job I guess. But all I have to say is… kill them with kindness.

“I’m a really claustrophobic person to begin with. I hate elevators, especially crammed elevators. I get really scared. So I think that it’s very definitely scary when girls are all around me and I can’t go anywhere. At the same time, I guess I got to get used to it, you know what I mean?”

”My mom said I wasn’t allowed to date until I was sixteen, but I broke that rule. She found out and said, ‘I’m disappointed in you.’

 “I really don’t believe in abortion. It’s like killing a baby?”

 “I have dumped a girl over the phone – it’s terrible isn’t it? We got into an argument during a phone call so I basically said, I don’t wanna be with you any more,’ and she cried. I saw her after that and it was a bit awkward, but we’re not enemies now, so that’s cool. But I wouldn’t recommend it, it’s very mean!”

“It would be a shame to go out with a hot girl you can’t have a decent conversation with!”

“To all the haters out there I wish u the best. U cant bring me down. I wake up everyday grateful 4 the opportunity and grateful to the fans.”

“It was like, Usher and Timberlake want to meet me? Are you kidding? There was no point in trying to tell anyone at school about this. It would be like telling them I was going to meet CHUCK NORRIS, and we all know that guy is untouchable. I mean, c’mon. It’s CHUCK NORRIS. He doesn’t need Twitter, he’s already following you.”

“I also try to read all of my fan mail. A lot of them send me candy, which I’m not allowed to eat ’cause my mom says it might be poisonous.”

“It’s kind of hard to balance school and work sometimes. But sometimes, like, if I’m going to the White House and I’m in there doing a tour and stuff, that’s like school.”

“It’s funny when I read things about myself that r just not true. Why would certain people take time out of their day to hate on a 16 yr old?”

“Singers aren’t supposed to have dairy before a show, but we all know I’m a rule breaker. Pizza is just so good!

“I think she’s cute. And, no, she’s not too old for me. Above 40 is a little too old for me.” on Kim Kardashian

“My first date has been sort of mythologized as ‘Bieber’s Dating Disaster.’ I took her to King’s a buffet restaurant. Yes, I wore a white shirt. Yes, I got spaghetti.”

“There are lots of things I really like besides girls. Like pizza. And pranking. And CHUCK NORRIS.”

“It was like I opened my eyes one day and noticed that the world was full of beautiful girls. And I’ve had a hard time hard time thinking about anything else since then.”

“Two people can look at the same thing and see it differently..”

“I want my world to be fun. No parents, no rules, no nothing. Like, no one can stop me. No one can stop me.”

“My world got very big, very fast, and based on a lot of sad examples from the past, a lot of people expect me to get lost in it”

“If I notice a cute girl at the meet-and-greet, I might go and talk to her.”

“I think older people can appreciate my music because I really show my heart when I sing, and it’s not corny. I think I can grow as an artist, and my fans will grow with me.”

“Haters will say what they want, but their hate will never stop you from chasing your dream”

“I’m not a fighter by nature, but, if I believe in something, I stand up for it”

“I want girls to hear my music and want to play it again because it made their hearts feel good.”

“I always thank God for giving me this opportunity and for blessing me with this talent.”

“I love that my fans are so devoted, because without them i wouldn’t have this opportunity.”

“My fans will grow up with me.”

“We only live once so follow your dreams and never say never!”

‎”I take it with a grain of salt. It’s been incredible, my fans are amazing and I wouldn’t have it any other way ”

“The blessing is not about being able to receive as much as it is being in a position to give back to others.”

“Now that I’m on top, everyone wants to bring me down. Everyone’s trying to tug at me and take my spot.”

“I give up a personal life… to pursue what I love and make my fans happy.”

“You know, there’s alot of people that look up to me and im not always gonna be perfect .. I make bad decision sometimes.”

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

believe album

hayy beliebers!!!
mau info nih seputar believe album yok cekidot:
-believe album available on 19 june 2012 who can't wait???
-believe album ada dua macam yaitu believe album yang biasa dan believe album deluxe (mungkin ada yang bilang preorder), nah bedanya apa? nah ini akan di bahas
believe album biasa hanya CD albumnya saja nah yang deluxe itu ada bonusnya,
 yang deluxe juga terbagi menjadi 3 yaitu:
- believe limited edition platinum package

 isinya: CD album, T-shirt, sneaker pin, poster, believe cinch bag, believe bracelet, photo justin+tanda tanganya < yang ini udah sold out ya! XD

- believe gold bundle

 isinya: CD album, Tshirt, sneaker pin, poster, believe bracelet harganya $50 atau sekitar 400 ribu
- believe silver bundle
isinya: CD album, T-shirt, poster harganya $30 atau seekitar 250 ribu
so siap-siapin duit ya!!
oiya ketinggalan di believe album deluxe ini ada golden tiket dan ollg tiket yang katanya cuma ada masing-masing 200 tiket jadi ga di semua album ada. nah golden tiket untuk tiket meet and greet gitulah kalo ollg tiket untuk jadi ollg
 ok just it selamat membeli albumnya bulan depan ya!!!

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

bieberfact english version

#BIEBERFACT: Justin doesn't care about appearance. But his friends do. And they might demean a girl if he crushes on her

#BIEBERFACT: In Japan, Justin finished the entire sushi meal. He ate the leftovers, too

#BIEBERFACT: Justin will follow you no matter what, but he just "rates" the profile icon

#BIEBERFACT: Whenever Justin follows someone on Twitter, he looks at their icon and decides if they're hot or not

#BIEBERFACT: For most girls, seeing Justin Bieber means "love at first sight"

#BIEBERFACT: Justin got a hat from a fan in Chicago and has been wearing it ever since!

#BieberFact justin always saying "OMGAAASH, but never OMG" cause he respects God.

#BieberFact: Justin is an extremely messy burger eater

#bieberfact Justin likes girls that smell nice, but not loaded with perfumes.

#BieberFact Justin HAS once held up a sign from his hotel room window sayin"Go 2 McDonalds and get me a Big Mac"

#BieberFact: The other applications he uses; Echofon, UberTwitter, Twittelator, Mobile Web, API & Twitpic.

#bieberfact Kenny, Justin's bodyguard, signed over his life to protect Justin

#bieberfact Justin is clumsy around pretty girls

#bieberfact Justin could eat a Subway sandwich at any time of the day

#bieberfact Justin sneaks on games, his phone, and Twitter while doing school with his tutor

#bieberfact Justin is afraid of planes that sound like they're about to fall. "I don't like the noise," he says

#bieberfact When out in public places, Justin stares at pretty girls to try to get their attention

#bieberfact Justin isn't able to scream like a girl anymore. That used to be his revenge item

#bieberfact Justin stopped talking to a friend back in middle school because he lied to him

#bieberfact Many beliebers are known to compare themselves to Caitlin Beadles and sometimes even try to be her

#bieberfact Justin smells the food that he never has eaten before and if its smells good he eat it.

#bieberfact Justin said he doesn't want to kiss Jasmine V. ever again

#bieberfact Justin threatens his people to buy him McDonalds or Subway before a performance or he refuses to sing.

#bieberfact Justin appreciates a girl who can like him for his true self rather than a fan who screams when she sees him

#bieberfact Justin was asked to take an acting class before performing in a skit on SNL

#bieberfact Justin like girls who have self-confidence and can keep their head held high.

#bieberfact Justin gets tired sometimes from his daily activities, and has to go to bed right away on certain nights

#bieberfact Justin wears a hat or beanie on his head either when his hair grows long, or when he doesn't like his haircut

#bieberfact On April 1, 2009, Justin went on 2 shows and still had time to go to the movies with Jasmine Villegas in LA

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

BIEBERFACT versi bahasa indonesia part 3

-Neneknya Justin adalah seorang pemain piano yang handal
-Justin yang ngajarin mamahnya main Twitter
-Shay Misuraca, Emily Russel, dan Caitlin Beadles adalah mantan-mantan pacarnya Justin
-Tanggal 21 Febuari 2011 Justin memotong hair flipnya
-Pas lagi belajar Justin pernah di marahin gurunya, karena Justin nulis "I LOVE FAN" di tangannya
-Waktu di dokter gigi Justin bersin, dan sengaja gigit tangan dokternya
-Waktu Justin tampil di konser Taylor Swift, Paige Conway ada di ditu
-Ada kabar, ada Belieber  yang nekat jual diri demi ngedapetin tiket konser Justin *jangan di tiru*
-Justin respect ke Belieber yang rela jual diri demi dapetin tiket konsernya
-Justin seneng kalau cewek-cewek pasang poster fotonya Justin di kamarnya
-Justin suka baca tweet fannya
-Pernah, photographer suruh Justin pasang muka serius, Justinya malah pasang muka konyol
-IPK terakhir Justin adalah 4.00 !!
-Justin membiarkan temannya menamparnya, kalau Justin kasar sama orang lain, supaya Justinnya rendah hati
-Fans Justin Bieber pernah berkurang karena Justin potong rambut dan Justin date sama Selena
-Jazmyn Bieber punya baju bertuliskan 'I Love Justin'
-Lagu yang pertama kali Justin mainkan pake gitarnya yaitu lagu Smoke On The Water
-Kalau Justin lagi ngelawak terus gak ada yang ketawa, Justin nyuruh semuanya supaya ketawa
-Kalau nonton bareng temennya, Jusin pilih film lucu. Kalau lagi date Justin pilihnya film serem
-Kalau ada nomor yang gak kenal telepon Justin, dia suka pake suara cewek british
-Justin suka mengunjungi mall kalau lagi tour, supaya bisa ketemu cewek-cewek baru
-Pernah seorang fan ngasih Justin kalung, terus Justin pake kalung itu di VC OLLG
-Film yang bikin Justin nangis setiap nonton yaitu film 'A Walk to Remember'
-Kalau di sekitar Justin lagi sepi, dia suka nari-nari kaya orang gila

-Kalau Justin lupa lirik lagu, dia langsung tertawa dan berharap pendengar mau memaafkannya
-Lagu Justin yang Selena Gomez suka yaitu lagu 'Never Let You Go' yang ditulis untuk Caitlin
-Justin benci cewek perokok
-Justin dateng ke nikahan dari saudara salah satu Belieber,namanya Paige (yang dapet kejutan di acar Ellen)
-Justin tahu cara memperlakukan wanita dan membuat wanita itu merasa spesial
-Setiap 3 detik, seseorang di dunia pasti mengatakan "Justin" atau "Bieber"
-Saat Justin potong rambut, Justin bilang ke hair staylistnya "Jika kamu melakukan kesalahan, jutaan wanita akan marah kepadamu !"
-Setengah dari pengguna Twitter merupakan golongan pendukung Bieber
-Justin lahir 1 Maret 1994 di ruangan 126, Jln. Judes Hospital, London, Ontariao, jam 12.56 am, pada hari Selasa
-Pernah Justin telephone Usher jam 4.30 pagi terus bilang " OMG ITS USHER "
-Papan jalan "Justin Drew Bieber" sempet di curi
-Pas nonton film NSN Justin nangis, soalnya dia lihat papahnya nangis di filmnya
-Justin gak tau kalau papahnya nangis di belakang panggung (film NSN) sampai dia nonton film NSN
-Username acc Instagram Justin pertamanya "swagisme" sekarang jadi "justinbieber"
-Pattie (Justin Bieber's Mom) fikir Justin butuh date sama fansnya, tapi bukan sama 'crazy fan'

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

bieberfact versi bahasa indonesia part 2

ok udah dateng part 2 nya nih selamat membaca ya!!!

#bieberfact kalau mau rekaman lagu justin biasanya make topi
#bieberfact di album under the mistletoe justin paling suka sama lagu all i want is you, sama dong ;)
#bieberfact di lagu santa claus is comin to town di bagian justin ngomong dan "shake it shake it baby" itu sebenarnya ga ada dan justin yang ingin nambahin nya
#bieberfact kalau lagi bengong justin suka teriak swaaag -_-
#bieberfact kalau di hotel justin suka mengetuk pintu orang terus kabur -_-
#bieberfact mom pattie bilang justin paling lucu dan imut waktu berumur 3 tahun :)
#bieberfact  *on stage* Justin: "My pants are falling down." *Girls Scream* Justin: "Ohh.. i know you would like that." 
#bieberfact waktu di argentina justin ngerusakin ac hotel karena buku panduannya berbahasa spanyol -_-" ntin ntin gimana sih
#bieberfact waktu konser di indonesia justin sebenarnya lagi sakit punggung
#bieberfact justin ga suka di foto waktu lagi makan
#bieberfact di sekitar mata justin ada bekas luka jatuh dari sepeda waktu dia masih kecil
#bieberfact justin keluar dari twitter kurang lebih 2 jam doang
#bieberfact justin sering on twitter tapi dia ga nge tweet
#bieberfact justin punya banyak personal twitter dan kebanyakan yang tau itu beliebers indonesia
#bieberfact justin punya facebook tapi jarang di urusin -_-
#bieberfact waktu usher pertama kali ketemu justin ia mengira justin itu keponakannya scooter 
#bieberfact dulu kaki justin patah gara gara jatuh dari skateboard
#bieberfact kaki justin pernah patah lagi waktu lagi konser dan lagi nyanyiin lagu one time
#bieberfact justin susah banget untuk di bangunin
#bieberfact Justin pernah nge-tweet 'love you' kesalah 1 belieber, beberapa menit kemudian followers belieber itu nambah kurang lbh 10.000.
#bieberfact Belieber: "What's your favorite animal?" Justin: "Chaz! He eats like a pig."
#bieberfact pernah alfredo ngebangunin justin terus ia muterin lagu mistletoe tapi bukanya bangun si justin malah nyanyi sambil tidur -_-
#bieberfact justin suka sama logat orang inggris itu loh gaya ngomongnya daniel radcliffe
#bieberfact kalau lagi di inggris justin suka pake logat inggris
#bieberfact justin sampe sekarang masih suka ngomong "gue" karena cuma itu yang dia ingat dan gampang di ucapin padahal dia sendiri ga tau artinya -_-

sampe disini dulu ya tungguin part 3 nya ok!

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

justin bieber awesome quote and a little bieber fact

“That was not luck, that was skill!”
“I am single and ready to mingle”
“I love all my fans, I’m here because of them!!!”
“I’m close to love.”
“I’ll date whoever I fall in love with.”
“I’m pretty much awesome”
“I like girls who are funny!”
“I show my heart through music”
“I would date a fan, it all depends on who I fall in love with”
“I will fall in love with a girl with a good personality, beautiful eyes, a girl I can be goofy with, and a girl with a beautiful smile.”
“She makes me happy, I know where I’ll be, right by her side ’cause she is the one” Lyrics from his hit single, One Time

1. Justin Bieber dan Selena Gomez bersaing di MTV EMA’11 dalam kategori “BIGGEST FANS”.
2. Justin sangat suka berlibur kepantai.
3. Album Believe sebenarnya bernama It’s Time To Believe.
4. Caitlin beadles sangat menyukai lagu pray
5. Selena Gomez sangat menyukai lagu Never Let You Go tetapi lagu itu di ciptakan buat Caitlin.
6. Lagu Baby masuk dalam top ten lagu terfenomenal.
7. Justin dan krunya sering bermain basket bersama.
8. Justin bieber berhasil mengalahkan team Luda saat bermain basket.
9. Justin bieber orangnya over protektif apalagi sama adeknya Jazzy.

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

#bieberfact versi bahasa indonesia

#bieberfact Justin pernah marah sama seorang fans-nya gara" ga ngelepasin tangan-nya Justin
#bieberfact Justin said "kalau kamu pernah bertemu aku, jangan takut minta foto, bertanya atau minta dipeluk" ♥
#bieberfact sekarang, jaitlin hanya sebatas sahabat.
#bieberfact waktu pernikahan kim si justin ga dateng, tapi dia dateng ke konser selena di new jersey
 #bieberfact pas lagi rekaman "ladies love me" semua yg ada di studio cengo liat justin ngeRAP
#bieberfact produser Twilight pengen lagu Justin jadi soundtranck film Twilight
#bieberfact kalau justin meluk beliebers cewek lebih dr 5 detik,berati dia pikir cewek itu lucu♥
#bieberfact Kenny bilang Justin susah banget dibangunin.
#bieberfact : 2 september 2009 adalah pertama kalinya justin masuk TTWW, dan dia seneng banget waktu itu :D
#bieberfact Katy Perry mengatakan bahwa Justin adalah "impian setiap gadis remaja" =D
#BieberFact: Justin pernah coba buat jadi vegetarian, tapi yatau kan Justin hobinya makan
 #bieberfact saat justin sakit, seorang dokter memeriksanya dan dia membuat lelucon bahwa penyakitnya ''bieber fever''
#BieberFact: Uang hasil jual Someday dipake Justin buat disumbangin lhooo :)
#BieberFact: Justin pernah sekali kasar sama gurunya, tapi besok harinya Justin ngasih gurunya itu bunga mawar buat permintaan maaf
#bieberfact Justin tidur 2-4 jam doang, jd dlm seminggu ada satu hari dimana Justin ngosongin job buat tidur
#bieberfact Justin bilang Jupe itu Beyonce nya indonesia
#bieberfact justin bisa menghafal lyric lagu yang panjang hanya dalam 45 menit!
#BieberFact: Suatu hari waktu Justin masih kecil, dia pergi ke kebun binatang, terus dia beli ice cream. Eh tiba-tiba ada jerapah makanin ice creamnya. Justinnya langsung nangis
#bieberfact Justin bilang, formulanya dalam ngedate adalah "Kalo dia seneng, aku juga seneng" ;)"
#bieberfact favorite tv show justin itu smallville ;)
#bieberfact justin ingin bertemu sama smua beliebers di seluruh dunia
#bieberfact Semua hadiah2 dri beliebers, justin tata rapi di kamar nya justin.
#BieberFact cinta pertama Justin namanya "Say Misuraca",Justin yg nembak dgn bantuan Chaz
#bieberfact Justin sering pesen big mac di mc. Donalds.
#BieberFact: Waktu Justin ngedenger rumor tentang Selena hamil karena dia, Justin bilang "I didn't know I was goin to be a dad, thanks for tellin me.."
#bieberfact Waktu di jerman, justin bilang "ich liebe dich (i love you)" ke seorang beliebers, terus beliebers nya pingsan
#bieberfact justin sering baca mention2 dari fans nya,tapi karena kebanyakan dia cuma baca doang,ga dibales :')
#bieberfact Justin adalah orang ke 27,260,086 yang join di twitter
#BieberFact mom pattie udh bilangin Justin klo Jasmine Villegas itu cuma 'manfaatin' kekayaan Justin aja
#bieberfact Justin takut tempat sempit + gelap gara2 dia dulu pernah di kunciin sma sodara nya di toy box.
#bieberfact Waktu kecil, justin pengen banget piara gajah :D
#BieberFact: produser Ladies Love Me bilang, Justin rekaman untuk rap nya itu hanya 1 kali o,O dan semua orang didalam studio benar2 kaget
#bieberfact justin pernah bilang dia lbh ganteng dari Zac Efron
#bieberfact justin ngundang cody loh wkt pembuatn vc somebody to love *remix*
#bieberfact Lagu pertama nya justin yang di rekam adalah common denominator.
#BieberFact: Crew Justin bilang, hal pertama yang dilakukan Justin pas sampai diHotel adalah loncat2 dikasur.
#bieberfact Joe jonas pernah ngetweets "i cry because i love justin bieber"

#Bieberfact justin ngga suka sama cewe yang pake behel
#Bieberfact Justin suka main water fight sama fans ny
#Bieberfact justin pernah bilang dia suka sama anak kecil
#bieberfact Biasanya Justin menghabiskan waktu 15 menit dikamar mandi ._.
#bieberfact dikampung halamannya justin dicap sebagai pi el ei way bi o way PLAYBOY
#bieberfact didepan pintu studio vokal justin ada coretan tinggi badannya dia lohh
 #bieberfact mata dan hidung justin sangat mirip dengan dad Jeremy :)
 #bieberfact Justin selalu berdoa sebelum konsernya di mulai:-)
 #bieberfact pas konser, setiap Justin mau nyanyi lagu Baby pasti dia nanya 'Who wants to be my baby?'
#bieberfact Justin ternyata engga suka sekolah loh!! Tapiiiii GPA-nya dia 4.0 alias cumlaude. Ngebuktiin dong kalo Justin ini pintar banget!
#bieberfact ternyata mamanya Justin punya masalah dalam menyetir!
#bieberfact Justin mengaku sering di serang migran setelah bekerja keras
#bieberfact Justin suka banget sama video game! Game jadi salah satu kebutuhannya nih. Engga heran dong ya kalo dia punya xbox360 dan PS3
 #bieberfact Justin mulai bermain skateboard dari umur 4tahun
#bieberfact Justin ga suka cewek yang pake tindik di sekitar wajahnya
#bieberfact waktu Justin belum terkenal, dia ga pernah bilang sama temen-temenya kalo dia bisa nyanyi
#bieberfact justin suka ciuman yang lama
 #bieberfact Vanessa anak dari Johnny Depp ternyata Belieber juga
#bieberfact Justin was cutting his famous hairdo : HAIR FLIP on 21st February 2011
#bieberfact Justin pikir cewek itu keliatan imut pas tidur♥
#bieberfact moto pribadi justin itu = Keluarga Yang Utama =)"
#bieberfact Justin bilang belieber di Asia cantik2
#bieberfact Tai lalat Justin yang keliatan di muka cuma 3, padahal kira-kira ada 10 tai lalat di muka nya
#bieberfact Justin sering nyanyi pas lagi mandi ._.

udah dulu ya pegel nih nulis nya jangan lupa follow kita @justdbiebsina