Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

bieberfact english version

#BIEBERFACT: Justin doesn't care about appearance. But his friends do. And they might demean a girl if he crushes on her

#BIEBERFACT: In Japan, Justin finished the entire sushi meal. He ate the leftovers, too

#BIEBERFACT: Justin will follow you no matter what, but he just "rates" the profile icon

#BIEBERFACT: Whenever Justin follows someone on Twitter, he looks at their icon and decides if they're hot or not

#BIEBERFACT: For most girls, seeing Justin Bieber means "love at first sight"

#BIEBERFACT: Justin got a hat from a fan in Chicago and has been wearing it ever since!

#BieberFact justin always saying "OMGAAASH, but never OMG" cause he respects God.

#BieberFact: Justin is an extremely messy burger eater

#bieberfact Justin likes girls that smell nice, but not loaded with perfumes.

#BieberFact Justin HAS once held up a sign from his hotel room window sayin"Go 2 McDonalds and get me a Big Mac"

#BieberFact: The other applications he uses; Echofon, UberTwitter, Twittelator, Mobile Web, API & Twitpic.

#bieberfact Kenny, Justin's bodyguard, signed over his life to protect Justin

#bieberfact Justin is clumsy around pretty girls

#bieberfact Justin could eat a Subway sandwich at any time of the day

#bieberfact Justin sneaks on games, his phone, and Twitter while doing school with his tutor

#bieberfact Justin is afraid of planes that sound like they're about to fall. "I don't like the noise," he says

#bieberfact When out in public places, Justin stares at pretty girls to try to get their attention

#bieberfact Justin isn't able to scream like a girl anymore. That used to be his revenge item

#bieberfact Justin stopped talking to a friend back in middle school because he lied to him

#bieberfact Many beliebers are known to compare themselves to Caitlin Beadles and sometimes even try to be her

#bieberfact Justin smells the food that he never has eaten before and if its smells good he eat it.

#bieberfact Justin said he doesn't want to kiss Jasmine V. ever again

#bieberfact Justin threatens his people to buy him McDonalds or Subway before a performance or he refuses to sing.

#bieberfact Justin appreciates a girl who can like him for his true self rather than a fan who screams when she sees him

#bieberfact Justin was asked to take an acting class before performing in a skit on SNL

#bieberfact Justin like girls who have self-confidence and can keep their head held high.

#bieberfact Justin gets tired sometimes from his daily activities, and has to go to bed right away on certain nights

#bieberfact Justin wears a hat or beanie on his head either when his hair grows long, or when he doesn't like his haircut

#bieberfact On April 1, 2009, Justin went on 2 shows and still had time to go to the movies with Jasmine Villegas in LA

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

BIEBERFACT versi bahasa indonesia part 3

-Neneknya Justin adalah seorang pemain piano yang handal
-Justin yang ngajarin mamahnya main Twitter
-Shay Misuraca, Emily Russel, dan Caitlin Beadles adalah mantan-mantan pacarnya Justin
-Tanggal 21 Febuari 2011 Justin memotong hair flipnya
-Pas lagi belajar Justin pernah di marahin gurunya, karena Justin nulis "I LOVE FAN" di tangannya
-Waktu di dokter gigi Justin bersin, dan sengaja gigit tangan dokternya
-Waktu Justin tampil di konser Taylor Swift, Paige Conway ada di ditu
-Ada kabar, ada Belieber  yang nekat jual diri demi ngedapetin tiket konser Justin *jangan di tiru*
-Justin respect ke Belieber yang rela jual diri demi dapetin tiket konsernya
-Justin seneng kalau cewek-cewek pasang poster fotonya Justin di kamarnya
-Justin suka baca tweet fannya
-Pernah, photographer suruh Justin pasang muka serius, Justinya malah pasang muka konyol
-IPK terakhir Justin adalah 4.00 !!
-Justin membiarkan temannya menamparnya, kalau Justin kasar sama orang lain, supaya Justinnya rendah hati
-Fans Justin Bieber pernah berkurang karena Justin potong rambut dan Justin date sama Selena
-Jazmyn Bieber punya baju bertuliskan 'I Love Justin'
-Lagu yang pertama kali Justin mainkan pake gitarnya yaitu lagu Smoke On The Water
-Kalau Justin lagi ngelawak terus gak ada yang ketawa, Justin nyuruh semuanya supaya ketawa
-Kalau nonton bareng temennya, Jusin pilih film lucu. Kalau lagi date Justin pilihnya film serem
-Kalau ada nomor yang gak kenal telepon Justin, dia suka pake suara cewek british
-Justin suka mengunjungi mall kalau lagi tour, supaya bisa ketemu cewek-cewek baru
-Pernah seorang fan ngasih Justin kalung, terus Justin pake kalung itu di VC OLLG
-Film yang bikin Justin nangis setiap nonton yaitu film 'A Walk to Remember'
-Kalau di sekitar Justin lagi sepi, dia suka nari-nari kaya orang gila

-Kalau Justin lupa lirik lagu, dia langsung tertawa dan berharap pendengar mau memaafkannya
-Lagu Justin yang Selena Gomez suka yaitu lagu 'Never Let You Go' yang ditulis untuk Caitlin
-Justin benci cewek perokok
-Justin dateng ke nikahan dari saudara salah satu Belieber,namanya Paige (yang dapet kejutan di acar Ellen)
-Justin tahu cara memperlakukan wanita dan membuat wanita itu merasa spesial
-Setiap 3 detik, seseorang di dunia pasti mengatakan "Justin" atau "Bieber"
-Saat Justin potong rambut, Justin bilang ke hair staylistnya "Jika kamu melakukan kesalahan, jutaan wanita akan marah kepadamu !"
-Setengah dari pengguna Twitter merupakan golongan pendukung Bieber
-Justin lahir 1 Maret 1994 di ruangan 126, Jln. Judes Hospital, London, Ontariao, jam 12.56 am, pada hari Selasa
-Pernah Justin telephone Usher jam 4.30 pagi terus bilang " OMG ITS USHER "
-Papan jalan "Justin Drew Bieber" sempet di curi
-Pas nonton film NSN Justin nangis, soalnya dia lihat papahnya nangis di filmnya
-Justin gak tau kalau papahnya nangis di belakang panggung (film NSN) sampai dia nonton film NSN
-Username acc Instagram Justin pertamanya "swagisme" sekarang jadi "justinbieber"
-Pattie (Justin Bieber's Mom) fikir Justin butuh date sama fansnya, tapi bukan sama 'crazy fan'